Monday, 26 October 2009

No Quick Fix

No Quick Fix

Something is better than nothing

It can be a real drag starting an exercise program, would you agree?

It gets even tougher when you don't know what to do and where to start. My advice would be to get a decent personal trainer (but hey, I would say that!)

In reality the best place to start is to just do something. It could be walking the dog or not driving to shops. Start small and then go from there.

Some people (me included) have thought too much about whether a certain activity is worthwhile and then ended up doing nothing, which of course is the worse thing you can do.

Remember two key things here, the first one is that you are designed by evolution to be active and second, exercise helps release feel good hormones in the brain. So not you are acting in a way that your body likes and agrees with.

It hates doing nothing! That might surprise you when the cold beer and soap operas are calling.

As I always say, try and make a positive change tomorrow, one step at a time and see how you feel

John Hill Inspiring Fitness Personal Trainer